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Eliminating Problem Dog Behaviors With A Few Tips

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Total visits: 236
Posted on: 07/23/22

Dogs dont have the level of intelligence of humans so you cannot expect your dog to be your intellectual equal. Trying to talk to your dog like its a person will only frustrate you both. Dogs are smart animals, though, and with a little patience and understanding they can be well trained.

Swatting or hitting your dog is not a good training method. If you attempt to train your dog in this manner, all you are teaching them is to be scared of you. Eventually, the dog will stop listening to voice commands, and will only respond to you raising your hand. Getting a dogs loyalty through fear is a mistake on the owners part.

Your body language is an important tool that will help you as you begin training your dog. Even more than words, the way you act tells your dog a lot about what you want. Stop talking as much and start showing your animal what behaviors are important to you.

When training your dog, do it in short sessions, no more than fifteen to twenty minutes each session. This keeps your dog from becoming bored and uninterested in the training. More importantly, it ensures that your focus is entirely on training, which is vital to ensuring your dogs success.

When you are training your dog, focus on what your dog does right during the training sessions, not what they do wrong. This will make training more enjoyable for both you and your dog. Enjoyable training sessions will ensure that your dog remembers what you taught and is ready to come back for more at the next session.


All dogs need daily exercise and it can be an important part of your training efforts. Daily exercise shows your dog that he is a member of the family, as well as letting him know you are a strong leader. Exercise encourages his confidence and provides you with wonderful bonding opportunities.

If your dog is digging up your yard, they may be bored. The biggest cause of destructive behavior in dogs is boredom. Simply putting them out in a back yard does not necessarily mean they are getting exercise. Try making sure they have some activity by taking them for long walks, or if you must stay home, a long game of fetch. Your dog will be too tired out to bother digging.

Stimulate your dog every day to help prevent nuisance behaviors, such as barking. A bored dog is more likely to bark continuously in an effort to gain attention. If you get your dog out for regular walks and exercise, you may find that this behavior stops. You will have a happier dog, and be a happier owner.


When training a dog, watch that you do not overdo giving the dog treats. Too many treats can really plump a dog up. Many people do not factor in treats when they are tabulating a pets diet, but they do add up, particularly while you are training.

Your dog will need a diet high in nutrition to maintain his vitality and health. This means that you should be picky about what you feed your dog. Making your own dog food can help to reduce fillers that do nothing for your pet, while increasing the crude protein to a healthy and more beneficial level.

After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog.

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